Developing a Pet Friendly Policy

published: October 2nd, 2022 by

Many Association owners have a dog or a cat as part of their household. Adopting a policy that protects the Association’s property and rights of all Members can be challenging for a Board. Here are some basic tips for developing a Pet Ownership Policy. Make it specific. A rule specifying that dogs must be leashed serves an obvious purpose, but a rule specifying how long that leash may be does not. Make it consistent with governing documents and state statutes. Some states do not allow associations to ban dogs. Such a rule would be invalid. Some Association documents limit the number of… Read More »

Pool Rules – Designed To Keep Everyone Safe

published: October 22nd, 2022 by

We keep getting complaints about neighbor behavior at our community pool. It’s driving the Board crazy. What can we do to control the madness? Who doesn’t love a community pool? It is the location for summer-time memories, and because it is, the best way for everyone to enjoy the pool is by having an agreed-upon set of pool rules. The off-season is the perfect time of year to start thinking about reviewing past problems and how to set the pool up for everyone’s safety and enjoyment. Create Rules that Cover It All. HOA board members and community managers need to… Read More »